Sunday, January 20, 2013

Right hand on Thin Mint

I have been a Girl Scout leader for three years now. I love it. When my daughter was going into kindergarten, (we homeschool) I called the local council to ask who the local leader was. They responded with "we don't currently have one, would you like to become one?"
I thought about this for a whole 30 seconds and said "Sure, why not?"
I figured this would be a good way for Zayda to make friends.  I think I have made just as many lifelong friends (if not more) than she has. It has been awesome so far.
In case you aren't aware.....IT'S GIRL SCOUT COOKIE TIME!!!!
This past week, we had a meeting with our troop and I needed some activities for them. Something fun that would fit into our cookie theme of the night.
I came up with this:
Cookie Twister

My daughter and I cut out pictures of the four most popular cookies from our family guide (and 3 more extra family guides I happen to have). In case you are not a Girl Scout, the family guide is a little booklet they send home with the girls that explains the cookie sales and prizes they can earn for selling.  Since I am way to cheap to print out big pictures of cookies, i drew them out on printer paper and Zayda colored them and cut them out. We then taped them to our good old traditional Twister mat and BAABAM...... GIRL SCOUT COOKIE TWISTER!
My troop had a fun time. Since they all wanted to play at once, we had about 10 little girls on the mat at the same time. It didn't last long before one girl fell and they all went down like the playing cards in Alice In Wonderland.  It was quite comical, to bad I didn't video tape it!
I think this concept could work for a lot of different things.
I'm thinking:     Youth Group: "put your right hand on Virgin Mary and your left foot on Baby Jesus"
                         Easter party: "Left hand bunny and right foot colored egg"
                      bachelor party: "right hand glass of beer and left foot naked lady"
                    Kid's themed birthday(such as mermaid): "right hand seashell and left foot fish"
The possibilities are endless, so drag out your old twister and have fun!!

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